Thursday, December 30, 2010
Biggest New Year's Resolution!!!!
However, when I saw the distances that they were doing on the show, it seemed like something I could do with some training! I did some research, talked to someone who has done a triathlon before, and I have come to a decision: I am going to compete in an Olympic-distance triathlon!!!!!
It's official now, I can't take it back, because I'm all signed up for the St. George Triathlon on May 21, 2010!
I am scared out of my mind, because it's going to take a lot of dedication and training, but I know I can do it! This will give me something to work towards, a purpose for exercising. :) I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have any tips about swimming, running, or biking, please share them! I'll take all the advice I can get! :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
One more shout out :)

Monday, December 13, 2010
Positive Influences
I will especially miss my group of friends that I met about two months ago. I have never met a group of people who are so accepting, loving, spiritual, kind, happy, fun and every other good thing out there! Seriously, they are all amazing people!
This isn't all of us, but it's a good chunk of us. This was at a birthday party they all threw for Shari, Tia and I. :)
These girls especially have been such a blessing in my life. They are all so beautiful and amazing! Can I be one of them when I grow up please?!!!! :)
So thanks Shari, Hadley, Jamie, Camille, Kristalyn, Jordan, Landon, Keith, Haven, Emily, Sydney, Jeremy, Mitch, Eli, Collin, Riley, and whoever I forgot to mention at this moment. You are all the greatest! I'm going to miss you all so much!!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I just wanted to write some of the many things that I have been blessed with in my life!
- My incredibly awesome family! I would be nothing without you all!
- My amazing friends (you know who you are! :) )
- The Gospel
- Education (my opportunities to go to both Snow and BYU)
- My functioning body
- Music
- Books
- My talents
- This beautiful country
- Everyday blessings: a roof over my head, electricity, a working car, food.
May we each look for the blessings that we receive each and every day. There is so much that we have to be grateful for that we all take for granted. Please, remember to give thanks, because gratitude never spoken is like a gift never given.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
P.S. Now I can listen to ALL the Christmas music I want and NO ONE can say anything!!! haha
Sunday, October 24, 2010
:) :) :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ready or not. . . Here I come!

I couldn't be more excited! I have been anxiously waiting for this news for the past month, and have been depending on it and I'm just so glad that I made it in! No 100% decision whether I'm going to change my major yet, but I hear that BYU has a really good nutrition program.....very tempting. haha. I'm also excited because I get to come back home!!! I don't have to be hours away from my family and friends anymore! Plus, I can still have the college experience. I am really glad that I went to Snow first, to experience what being away would be like, and I think that I have grown a lot from my experiences down there, but I'm ready to be home. :)
Provo, I'll see you in January!!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Best Friend and Worst Enemy

Sunday, September 26, 2010
True Inspiration

I had to wear a necktie for the whole game.
Kiersten had to be a dog and learn tricks, like play dead.
Amanda's brother had to put the bowl ofver his head and bang it with a spoon, calling out, "Billy are you there?! Let me in!" haha.
Dallin and Amanda had to share the card of wearing some sort of neck strap (we improvised since we didn't have any helmets or anything).
It was a game full of laughter and lots of fun! :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Truly Remarkable Woman
This morning, one of my favorite people on Earth passed on from this life. She was 97 years old, and lived a full life. I just want to write down some of the things that I remember most about her, so I can always remember, and maybe share some of the inspiration that I felt from her with you.
- She would make the best cheese spaghetti in the world when we all went over to her house to spend the night.
- She also made the best ice cream cones, with vanilla ice cream and a cake cone. Nothing has ever compared.
- She and I would drive to Macey's to get groceries, and always get ice cream.
- Whenever I had money, like $5, she would get all excited for me and say, "You've got enough money to pain the town red!"
- She kept a journal every single day.
- She always had her scriptures open and she read them often.
- She survived breast cancer.
- We loved doing puzzles together.
- We would go watch the last session of General Conference at her house and I would sit in front of her and she would rub my back until I was almost asleep.
- We loved watching The Price Is Right.
- She loved Everyone Loves Raymond.
- She loved hearing anyone play the piano, especially her grandkids.
- She would give us a dollar if we gave her a foot massage.
- We would garden in the backyard, followed by many games of soccer that she would watch us kids play.
- She always made homemade grape juice.
- She loved her rosebushes, and her apricot tree.
- She and I read Work and the Glory together every Sunday for several years.
- She would come to our soccer games and cheer us on.
- We would go to her house every Halloween and find the hidden candy in her house and then watch a movie.
- Every Christmas we would decorate the three-foot-tree and decorate (the the random Haunaka candlestick). And she would give us a paper sack Christmas Eve with peanuts and oranges and popcorn.
- Every Christmas Eve we would go over to her house and listen to "The Little Clockmaker"
- New Year's Eve we celebrated by banging pots and pans outside at midnight.
- She said she would never catch up to President Hinckley's age; well, she finally did. :)
- She loved her family so much! (2 sons, 14 grandkids and even more great-grandkids!)
She will be missed by all that knew her. She always was a bright person, and loved to make people laugh. But she is walking with God and with her husband now. She is pain free. She has peace.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New School Year
Amanda, Merissa, Katie, Kiersten, Me, and Camille
We have gone rock climbing in the canyon (it was so scary!!!), hiked the S, had a paint fight (which was incredibly fun!), gone boating, had a chocolate fondue night, had apartment dinnners, gone toilet papering, and been absolutely crazy in our apartment together! What can I say? I love my roommates! :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Jelly fish and sand castles
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happily Ever After
"We all want to know how it ends.
Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know
Oh, skip to the ending, I'd like to know, I'd like to know
Author of the moment, would you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?
Inhale, breathe steady, exhale, like your ready, if you're ready or not.
Just a boy and a girl trying to take on the world, and we wanna get caught.
In the middle of a very happy ending, let's see what we've got, let's give it a shot.
Let's give it a shot.
Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know
Oh, skip to the ending, I'd like to know, I'd like to know
Author of the moment, would you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?"
I guess that everyone in the world has this question: do I end up happy?
I've never been one to have much luck with romance or anything, and while I don't enjoy being alone and I hate it, I have high hopes that one day, there will be someone for me.
However, over the past couple of days this question has been more prevalent in my mind. I have cared a lot about someone for a very long time, but I recently came to the realization that I need to let him go. Not like never speaking to him again, but just to look at him more as a friend. If not to save our friendship, to protect my heart.
So, what it boils down to is my continued hope that I will someday be happy, loved and loving a wonderful man who I can build a family with, raising them in the Gospel, and be with for eternity.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Long time, sorry!
Friday, July 16, 2010
I don't like missing things, and I'm afraid of what I'll miss while I'm gone. Don't get me wrong, I am STOKED for my vacation, for many many reasons, but why does everything have to turn so awesome right before I leave? Is it because I am leaving? Why can't we, generally, value what we have until it is almost gone?
Monday, July 12, 2010
I Stand All Amazed

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Queen Victoria

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Not Forgotten
Much has been going on this summer. But the most exciting thing? I'm going on a MONTH long trip!!! Ya, I'm pretty excited. :) And I'm going to be SO dark when I come home! Not to mention have totally awesome calves because of all the hiking we're going to do. 13 days...not that I'm counting down or anything.
I've made new friends, had more than my fair share of drama, gone on a blind date, hiked the Y many many times, worked at my parent's house, and had tons of fun. I'll really try to write more, and when I leave (July 21st, after my writing class, which I am SO excited for!) check back for updates on wherever I am in the country.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Summer and pillowcases

Saturday, May 1, 2010
The end of things...of this year anyway
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day 13...a day early!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 12
But the exciting thing is that Makayle, Kevin and I are all finishing tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited!!! :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 11 and almost done
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 10
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 8 and still going
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 7
Today I biked 13 miles and ran 2. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot tomorrow though because for some reason I could NOT stop eating today! I've got to work it off...don't we love trying to be healthy? :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The funniest session of yoga I have ever attended
DAY 6!
It's tough to know exact distances on the bikes though, because different bikes clock WAY different distances.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Days 4 & 5
Yesterday I didn't get any running done, but I did get 14 laps of swimming and 11 miles of biking. Slowly but surely I am working my way through this.
Today, I ran 3.2 miles (on a tredmill, unfortunately), swam 16 laps and biked 13 miles. I'm nearing the half-way mark on my swimming and biking, but the running is in need of some work. I thought that swimming would be the hardest part for me, but it is turning out to be the running that is hardest. I know that one thing that makes it harder is bed weather, and I am forced to run on a tredmill. I'm not the biggest fan of tredmills. But we, Kevin, Makayle and I, are all doing pretty well for day 5! Go triathlon!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Triathlon- Day 3
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Finals Camping
The first night of our camping trip consisted of tinfoil dinners, a four-wheeler ride, roasting starbursts and going to bed earlier than I have this entire semester. Unfortunately, the stars were hidden by a blanket of clouds, so I didn't get to see my favorite part of camping, but oh well.
The next day, dutch oven for breakfast, then another 4-wheeler ride! This time we went exploring further away, and we ended up going on several different trails because many of them still were too muddy or snowy. Kasey, Emily's dog, rode or ran with us the entire way. He rode with Emily and I, and she kept wedging herself in between Emily and I, getting us more muddy than we already were. Thank goodness she's such a small dog!
During our ride, all of us got SO muddy! Emily went through one puddle that came all the way up and got our faces and hair wet! I'll tell you, riding with a wet face and hair with the wind really gave me a brain freeze!
We all took a nap out in the sun, and man, we are all SUNBURNED!!!!! Faces, arms, legs, the whole schebang....or however you spell that. haha. Thankfully, my burn will turn into a tan in just a few days. What a blessing!
The Traveler's Gift

Triathlon- Day 1

Friday, April 16, 2010
Denny's Run
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Friendly Fire
Zack thinks he's pretty funny....this time he was. haha
We told ghost stories, which made us all nervous, especially with the blackness encasing us from all sides. I'm not the biggest fan of creepy stories! Makayle gets award for the scariest story though! And Tara gets points for having the scaries and most real scream on command, which she used multiple times, scaring all of us.
It was really fun though. I love campfires, and when we put out the fire, we got to see all of the BEAUTIFUL stars that Ephraim has to offer. What a great way to spend a night. :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yummy Smoothie
1 banana (it's a good way to use bananas that are getting too ripe)
1 cup spinach
a handful of frozen fruit (I use strawberries and peaches)
1/3 cup of apple juice (I use light apple juice)
Put it in the blender and enjoy! It really is amazing! :) You can try different combinations to find the taste that you like best (sweeter, more tart) it just depends on what fruit you use.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New and excited!
One thing I can think of to write about happened last night. My roommate, Makayle, and her boyfriend, Kevin, and I all went to get snow cones at this ADORABLE and AMAZING place called Sugar Plum Cottage in Spring City. We were just cruising down the road when a rabbit jumped into the road! Kevin, who was driving, swerved to miss the rabbit, scaring Makayle and I to death! Makayle swears we rocked the car onto two tires, and we all were sure we hit the rabbit. Mak and I were lamenting the poor bunny rabbit, which Mak thinks was pregnant, when Kevin informed us that it was a jackalope, not a bunny. The debate continued until we reached Sugar Plum, when we all agreed that it was not a rabbit or a jackalope, but a unicorn!
We all went inside and enjoyed our delicious snow cones, and on the way we searched for our unicorn. Alas, no unicorn was found lying in the middle of the road. Yay! I'm glad the unicorn survived Kevin's swerving car. :)