Saturday, April 17, 2010

Finals Camping

In an attempt to get away, relax and take a break before finals weekend. Mak, Kevin, Emily and I all went up by Fountain Green, and had an overnighter.

First of all, our tent. It was kinda special. Okay, really special. :) The main thing is that it stayed up, it didn't blow onto us in the middle of the night. We had the wrong tent, it was ripped, and the wrong poles, but we made it work. We put the poles in sideways and put logs over the ripped part of the tent.

The first night of our camping trip consisted of tinfoil dinners, a four-wheeler ride, roasting starbursts and going to bed earlier than I have this entire semester. Unfortunately, the stars were hidden by a blanket of clouds, so I didn't get to see my favorite part of camping, but oh well.

The next day, dutch oven for breakfast, then another 4-wheeler ride! This time we went exploring further away, and we ended up going on several different trails because many of them still were too muddy or snowy. Kasey, Emily's dog, rode or ran with us the entire way. He rode with Emily and I, and she kept wedging herself in between Emily and I, getting us more muddy than we already were. Thank goodness she's such a small dog!

During our ride, all of us got SO muddy! Emily went through one puddle that came all the way up and got our faces and hair wet! I'll tell you, riding with a wet face and hair with the wind really gave me a brain freeze!

We all took a nap out in the sun, and man, we are all SUNBURNED!!!!! Faces, arms, legs, the whole schebang....or however you spell that. haha. Thankfully, my burn will turn into a tan in just a few days. What a blessing!

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