Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 10

Yes, we skipped day 9, another Sunday. It was really good for my body to have a break, but it was SO much harder to get up and go swimming this morning. Funny story: Mak and I were up and ready to go at 6:50 and we went over to get Kevin, but his door was locked and he wouldn't answer the door when we knocked. Neither of us had our cell phones, and we were about to give up when Mak had a BRILLIANT idea! We went down onto the grass, and began throwing pebbles at Kevin's window! It took him forever to get up! When he did though, he looked at us through the corner of his blinds, with this look of utter hatred on his face. It was creepy. haha.
Anyway, I swam 11 laps and then ran 3 miles today. We're on the countdown now. 30 laps of swimming, 7 miles running and 20 miles biking. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Suzie! I love this. End of story. Actually, I lied... I want to say I miss you and hope you are having a great summer. I'm so glad that you will be back at Snow next year and still in the same ward with me. =) Love you
