Sunday, September 26, 2010


For many, including me before last night, who have never heard of or played Quelf, you're missing out! It is an incredibly fun, incredibly random game.

I had to wear a necktie for the whole game.

Kiersten had to be a dog and learn tricks, like play dead.

Amanda's brother had to put the bowl ofver his head and bang it with a spoon, calling out, "Billy are you there?! Let me in!" haha.

Dallin and Amanda had to share the card of wearing some sort of neck strap (we improvised since we didn't have any helmets or anything).

It was a game full of laughter and lots of fun! :)


  1. A necktie??? Who calls it a necktie? Haha this game looks fun, I wanna play!

  2. It said necktie on the card okay?! :P
