Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It begins yet again

School has been in full swing for a week now.
It's weird to be back.
I feel like I should still be going to anatomy lab, working on cadavers and such. Gosh...never thought I'd actually miss it!
But, this semester will be challenging enough without having to do anatomy all over again.
You see....last semester I really started to hate school. And I considered taking a break, never coming back...all of my options pretty much.
After much contemplation and prayer, I decided just to take a couple of classes and keep both of my jobs.
And one of those classes is....physiology.
I walk into the class the first day, see a coworker and sit by her.
Then the professor begins class and tells us that if we have not taken chemistry, we should do ourselves a favor and get out of the class.
My friend and I look at each other. Neither of us has taken chemistry. But, we decide we are going to tough it out, even if we have to study all semester long, all day every day.
I mean, why should we take a super hard class that we don't even need for our major just so we can take yet another super hard class? Doesn't really make sense to me.
Later that afternoon, my friend texts me to tell me she dropped the class.
So I go to the next class. And not only is the professor going so fast through his slides that I can't even get the title written down in my notes, I don't have a clue what he's talking about.
And I'm thinking...crap.....I'm so dead.
Then I see another friendly face and we decide to make a study group. And she says she'll look out for me, which is super nice considering her schedule.
Then I go to lab. More chemistry. And I'm really starting to wonder if I should take chemistry this semester. Then I have a brilliant idea.
He's a super smart, scientific, math-y kind of guy....maybe he'll help me.
His reply: I work for food.
I breathe a sigh of relief. Food I can do.
So maybe, just maybe...a certain divine being knew that I'll be working my butt off for one class...hence the reason I should only take two classes.
But with help from my friends, I'll be okay. :)
I hope your new school years are going well!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Late coming New Years

Well, we'll see if my computer actually likes me today and lets me post this...well, post.
I cannot believe that it is 2012!!!! 2011 went by so freaking fast! But I love New Years. Really, I do! I love looking back at the last year and seeing how far I've come. When I think of where I was this time last year...well, I was just starting out at BYU, didn't know anyone, wasn't sure of my major, and I hadn't experienced a plethora of things.
I've gotta say, 2011 was a hard year for me. SUPER good, but hard. I lost friends, I discovered medical issues, several of my friends got married, I went yet another year without dating....blah blah blah. But the past is in the past, and although those things were difficult for me to accept (and some still are), they have changed me, shaped me, just as all experiences do.
But I also had so many amazing things happen this year.
-I completed TWO triathlons
-I ran a half marathon
-I had my dream job of working for EFY
-I went on an awesome road trip to Disneyland with my friends
-I saw two of my best friends fall in love
-I started working at Dave's Bernina
-I discovered a love for teaching the Gospel
and so many more things, too many to list or count!
And I am so excited to see what 2012 has in store for me! I can't wait to meet new people in my classes, make new projects for work (I already have about 10 planned, so stay tuned and I'll post pictures!), learn new things, become a better me and grow closer to my Heavenly Father. So although I won't list my resolutions here, I do have them and I LOVE LOVE LOVE setting goals and encourage all of you to do the same. You never know what you can achieve until you set out to achieve it! Here's to an awesome year! Woot!