Thursday, April 8, 2010

New and excited!

I was looking on my friend's blog this afternoon, and it totally made me want to blog! So here I am! :) I'm not 100% sure what I'll be writing about, probably anything and everything. But I hope that when you read my blog a smile comes to your face or a laugh escapes your lips. Oh, and bonus points go to anyone who can create an incredibly awesome name for this fabulous blog!

One thing I can think of to write about happened last night. My roommate, Makayle, and her boyfriend, Kevin, and I all went to get snow cones at this ADORABLE and AMAZING place called Sugar Plum Cottage in Spring City. We were just cruising down the road when a rabbit jumped into the road! Kevin, who was driving, swerved to miss the rabbit, scaring Makayle and I to death! Makayle swears we rocked the car onto two tires, and we all were sure we hit the rabbit. Mak and I were lamenting the poor bunny rabbit, which Mak thinks was pregnant, when Kevin informed us that it was a jackalope, not a bunny. The debate continued until we reached Sugar Plum, when we all agreed that it was not a rabbit or a jackalope, but a unicorn!
We all went inside and enjoyed our delicious snow cones, and on the way we searched for our unicorn. Alas, no unicorn was found lying in the middle of the road. Yay! I'm glad the unicorn survived Kevin's swerving car. :)

1 comment:

  1. You could call it... A Silver Lining. Or The Bright Side
