Saturday, May 29, 2010


Okay. I. HATE. Spiders. HATE them. So, this afternoon when I was weeding my mom's flower garden, I was ready with shovel in hand to kill any who dared to show their faces. I had a few run ins, but considering the fact that I was dealing with spiders, I was doing quite well. Then.....out of no where came a MAMA spider!!!! You know, the kind that are carrying the eggs with them. Ugh, I shudder just thinking about it.
Needless to say, after getting rid of mama spider, I didn't stay working in the flower bed much longer.


  1. hahahahaha, this made me laugh. so you really dont like spiders do you? man i came across a mama spider one time and accidently squished it....and out bursted all the little a pimple except out came little critters lol.

  2. Oooo...That is SO gross!!!! Thank you for sharing that completely repulsive story with me....the thought makes me shiver. blegh
