Sunday, December 4, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Up All Night
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011
Today is a Special Day!
What hard work will bring you
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Life is just happy right now. Even though school is still super hard and work consumes all my time, and there's rough stuff happening, I'm finding joy in the journey, in the every day. It's possible my friends! Life is good! Be happy!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Oh the love of youthful memories
But, Becky and I are bringing one of those shows back into my life....Anne of Green Gables! Oh my goodness, I am constantly swept away by the romanticism of the whole thing, and the way Anne talks makes me want to write again, and wish that I lived back then!

If you haven't watched Anne of Green Gables in a long time (or ever), you totally should! It is hillarious! Anne is always filled with some dramatic comment or poem. Here's some of Becky's and my favorites:
"Not now Marilla! I'm in the depths of despair!"
"My life is like a perfect graveyard, full of buried hopes."
"I'm absolutely positive that this night will ruin every day life."
"From now on, we shall be secret bosom friends."
"And we would eat ice cream and chicken salad."
"I shall bear this wound forever."
You might not understand how funny these are....which just means you need to watch it!
As of now, Becky and I are about an hour into the 2nd movie, and I am DYING! Because of school and such, we only have weekends to watch, and every day I think about Anne Shirley, and how she needs to acknowledge the fact that she's in love with Gilbert Blythe!!! He is so wonderful and patient with her, always trying to be her friend; even when she is snooty and won't give him the time of day. *sigh* Where's my Gilbert?....ah, well, he'll come someday. haha. But they HAVE to end up together, they just HAVE to!!! AH!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Well folks, I did it!

Saturday, October 1, 2011
In A Nutshell

Sunday, September 25, 2011
On Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and......Mud?
We did it!!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I'm thinking.....I'm thinking...

Sunday, September 18, 2011
This could be a problem....

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Lucky me :)
And it goes on and on and on

I thought it was pretty clever. ;) We're cool like that.
Life is just rolling along, as newly usual. I'm not quite used to how busy I am now...I think everyone in my ward thinks I'm anti-social. haha.
But ya, life is SUPER busy!!! I haven't worked and gone to school since my Sophomore year of high school, and it definitely takes some adjusting, but it's good! I'm learning lots of cool stuff and saving up money (because a girl with no social life has no reason to spend money, right? haha).
Anatomy pretty much rules my life, and all of my other classes seem to be much less of a priority. It's interesting. But....I've learned so many cool things!!! We worked on the cadavers for the first time on Wednesday, and it was really cool! I wasn't nearly as freaked out as I thought I would be.
But if I don't talk to you for long periods of time, it's not because I don't love you all...I just have no life but school and work. But only 10 weeks left! :)
p.s. I'm super happy to announce that I am officially part of the Pinterest Club. Located in Logan, Utah, there are 7 members. And we're the Power Rangers. And pretty much the most awesome club ever. Last week we made paninis! They were SO good! Better than Zupas.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Love them warm fuzzies!
Probably should be following her example
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Welcome Back!
I mean, think about it! There are so many things about the first week of school....
-waking up at 3 am
-taking your dog to the vet because she has a huge lump on her head
-being stopped on campus by the one person you never would have thought wanted to talk to you
-the water heater not working
-then the air conditioning not working
-watching TV programs like "Red Fury" and "Ancestors" and "Wordgirl!"
-learning over 100 anatomy terms (like squamous suture!)
- getting a new awesome roommate (who speaks Italian!!!)
-doing a triathlon
-blazing hot days
-finding the most amazing toffee squares ever!
-seeing lots of old and new friends
......isn't the first week of school just so great?!!! mean not everyone has a first week like this? Hmmm.....I guess I'm not as normal as I thought. I still want to smell a bouquet of sharpened pencils.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Summer of my life
Monday, August 1, 2011
Upside Down
For the last 7 weeks I have been working for EFY (Especially For Youth) which is a camp for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is such an incredible camp and I have seen so many miracles, large and small. The Spirit can always be felt so strongly there and I know that I have grown so much from all of the lessons, classes, devotionals and testimonies that have been taught. The youth of the Church are truly amazing and I feel so incredibly blessed to have had the chance to work with them and to see them grow and to learn from them.
I have made SO many new friends this summer. All of the counselors that work with EFY are so incredible and they are so easy to love! I really made an awesome connection with my first team and met some of the friends that I call my best friends today. They are all so strong in the Gospel and are always there with a cheerful word to lift anyone around them or a crazy idea to have fun on a random day.
I really wish that I could somehow convey how much happier I am because of everything I have learned and how I have grown and how much this summer has changed my life. Before I headed off to EFY, I felt like I had had my summer and that I could go back to school. But now I never want this summer to end, because it has been one of the most amazing of my life. But I am so excited for the future, for plans that will unfold, new friendships, lots of laughs and even more learning. I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father for this unforgettable opportunity this summer!
I'll try to post more often now since I'm home.....but I make no concrete promises. haha. Still, I love you all and hope you are having a great summer as well! Here's a few....okay, a lot of pictures to show you what I've been up to at EFY and hanging out with the counselors.
Do you think we could be siblings?
Laidee!!! Love you long time!