First of all
, my best friend in the whole wide world got married!!!!! I love them both so so so much and it was incredible being at the temple to see them come out and then spending the evening with them at their reception. It was an eventful day, but it was completely wonderful! Mak looked so incredibly beautiful and Ed is such a stud..gah! They're just so perfect together. :) Now they are happily married :)
Then, a couple weeks later, Makayle and I had the amazing opportunity to go and see Josh Groban in concert!!! It was INCREDIBLE!!! I've heard peo
ple say that his voice is better live than on the CD...and they totally weren't kidding! He was incredible! I'll say this though; that boy likes to talk a million miles an hour with no breaths inbetween his sentences. haha. He had a little stage at the end of the floor though, so we got to be like a million times closer to him than we thought we were going to be, which was so cool!
And then....I went on this trip. With 7 other people. To California. To spend what would be one of the most magical weeks of my entire summer. Seriously, this trip was amazing! We were such a great group, very very minimal drama, and I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed Disneyland so much in my life. We sang in the lines (and yes, people stared at us, but some joined in!), we took a MILLION pictures, we participated in an EFY flash mob, I faced my fear of Tower of Terror...twice!, we had a spiritual experience at World of Color, took an album-full of awkawrd family photos, made a million memories and laughed a ton! Oh yeah....and we combed each others hair while hummming...sorry, inside joke. I won't bore you with all of the little details of the trip, but it was so much fun and I already want to do another one with them! 
I really have been so incredibly blessed this summer to have experienced all of these things. I could never have imagined how this summer would have turned out, but I'm so glad it turned out the way it did! And although I don't want to start school again, and although I'll really miss my Utah State friends, I'm really excited to see what kinds of things this next semester brings! Boo-yah!!! :)
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