Sunday, November 13, 2011

This is a pretty accurate description of my life at the moment. It's so interesting to me how we all have such big plans for our life, and how we have expectations for what things are going to be like and when they are going to happen. But life is never how we expect it to be, and that's kinda scary.

I had such a sure idea of what this semester was going to be like. I knew what I was doing, had a pretty good idea where I was headed, and was looking forward to several events that happened this semester. In case some of you didn't know, I can be a tad bit of a control freak. I like to know what, when and why things are happening, and when they don't go like I think they will, it can be kinda stressful for me.

But the thing is, I'm not in control.

God is.

And I just pray that someday I'll be able to just let Him have complete control, with faith all the way.

But you know what? I'm grateful that He is in charge. He knows what's best for each of us. He can make us become more than we ever could have even dreamed on our own. He shapes us through good and hard times, and brings people into our lives that we never would have expected.

So here's me, putting aside my fears and expectations. Here's to the rockin roller coaster that is life. And trusting that through God and because of God, everything will be okay.

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