Sunday, September 25, 2011

On Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and......Mud?

On Saturday morning, bright and early, Kristy and I drove up to Soldier Hollow and ran the DIRTY DASH!!!! Oh my goodness, it was insanely fun! There was mud everywhere and we had a great time too, which was a nice bonus. For those of you who don't know what the Dirty Dash is, it is a benefit race/obstacle course. It was a 10K, and you run some, and then there is an obstacle course that involves mud (like climbing over wooden walls with water spraying in your face, all the while hoping that you don't twist your ankle as you trudge through the mud on the ground...or crawling through muddy barrels.....or wading through the outskirts of the deer creek resivoir....). It isn't really about time at all, but it is all about getting down and muddy! But it was so much fun and I fully plan on doing it again next year....and so should you!!! So save up and plan on it! :)

Before......all clean. :) We're so fierce!

One of the obstacles, rope swing...where the guys decided (out loud, so I know it was on purpose) to spray me right in the face all the way through the swing.

I love running!!! :)

Jumping in the pool of mud at the end to get to the finish line

We did it!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm thinking.....I'm thinking...

So, since I'm not spending every spare minute (or moments when I need to de-stress) on Pinterest, I of course haven't found any cool ideas *cough cough*. But the matter which I wish to discuss with you tonight is.....I think I'm going to chop my hair!

I'm SUPER DUPER nervous to cut it, because last time I did....well, let's just say it was a traumatic experience. So, it's been like a security blanket for the last six years. A lovely, not-unhealthy security blanket, but still, one all the same. But I am ready to break free!!!! Bring on the new me!!! (because, of course, a new personality automatically comes with a new hairstyle. haha).

Anyway, first I'd like your opinion on this daring, frightening, life-changing topic. Second, take a glance at the 4 options I've narrowed it down to (I know they are similar, but humor me anyway). And then cast a vote for which one you think would look the best!

I'm really expecting votes people! So don't let me down! ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This could be a problem....

At the beginning of the school year, I made a list of goals. Like, pray every morning and night, don't procrastinate, work out know, a typical list of school goals. Well, one of said goals was to only get on Facebook once a week, because who needs something like that wasting my time when I have so many other wonderful things to learn, people to meet, activities to get the idea.

And I was doing SO GOOD! But then......I met Pinterest.

So much for not spending meaningless time on something.....but it's SO FUN! Seriously, I might be addicted. I might need to limit myself to....oh, an hour......and a half.....or so a week. Check out some of the awesome stuff I've found just in the past couple of days!

(I love all of the sayings! They always put a smile on my face.)

(Cute house ideas)

(And the food...oh my goodness the food! I can't wait to try some of these recipes!)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lucky me :)

Do you know the song "I must have done something good" in The Sound of Music? Well, even that is a little too cheesy for me, but hey, it works. I honestly don't know what I did to deserve such amazing friends. I only met most of them this summer, but they are some of my closest friends. I got to go up to Logan last weekend to hang out with them, and I'm so glad I did! When I'm in Provo, I miss them all so stinkin' much! If I didn't feel like I need to be here, well, I'd be in Logan. haha.

Some of us at the football game. Notice I'm not wearing a Utah State shirt. BYU all the way! (Even though I was under oath to not cheer for BYU by Matt at the beginning of the game.) But I can appreciate a good football game. They played well, and it was lots of fun, despite everyone teasing me when they announced that BYU lost. Still...we'll see who wins in a few weeks! (Funny how I'm a little more excited for that game than the BYU-Utah game?) :)
Have you met Madeline? If not, you should, because she's possibly the cutest girl ever! Really, she's so sweet. And she makes great paninis. And has an awesome blog.

And my old roommies!!! LOVE them! They make me so happy! And much thanks to Jaron for coming along even though he didn't know anyone. And...I really am sorry about the crazy rides.....

But anyway, thanks for being so amazing!

And it goes on and on and on

Hooray! It's the weekend!!!! And not just any weekend, it's RIVALRY WEEKEND!!!! Yup, here in good ole' Provo, things are getting pretty jazzed up for the game vs. Utah. They even wrapped all of the statues around campus so that no one would come and vandalize them! And then...haha...someone did this.

I thought it was pretty clever. ;) We're cool like that.

Life is just rolling along, as newly usual. I'm not quite used to how busy I am now...I think everyone in my ward thinks I'm anti-social. haha.

But ya, life is SUPER busy!!! I haven't worked and gone to school since my Sophomore year of high school, and it definitely takes some adjusting, but it's good! I'm learning lots of cool stuff and saving up money (because a girl with no social life has no reason to spend money, right? haha).

Anatomy pretty much rules my life, and all of my other classes seem to be much less of a priority. It's interesting. But....I've learned so many cool things!!! We worked on the cadavers for the first time on Wednesday, and it was really cool! I wasn't nearly as freaked out as I thought I would be.

But if I don't talk to you for long periods of time, it's not because I don't love you all...I just have no life but school and work. But only 10 weeks left! :)

p.s. I'm super happy to announce that I am officially part of the Pinterest Club. Located in Logan, Utah, there are 7 members. And we're the Power Rangers. And pretty much the most awesome club ever. Last week we made paninis! They were SO good! Better than Zupas.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Love them warm fuzzies!

Today I saw Natalie and Sara. Yesterday I saw Elise. Tuesday I saw Becky and Eric. Monday I saw John and Jessica. Tomorrow I will see Jaron and Jessica and Wesley. The day after that I will see Madeline and Jaron and Braden and Lauren and Matt and Kjarinda and maybe Kylie and others!

The point is....seeing all of these people makes me so happy! Every time I see someone from EFY I just feel so warm and fuzzy inside (and I know I sound totally and completely cheesy saying that, but you know what? I don't care....I'm a cheesy person! :) ) It makes me feel like I'm home.

Probably should be following her example

So here I am, sitting at school on quite a comfortable couch with a two-hour break until my next class. And there's a girl sitting kiddy-corner to me reading said class' textbook. Should I be reading as well? Probably. Am I going to? Probably not....haha. Week two and I'm already getting complacent! Look at me go! However, I will have you know that I have been studying very hard and got 100% on my anatomy quiz! Booyah!

But man!!! One more class to go until I start my weekend!!!!! (no classes on Fridays! Hooray!) And I'm super excited for this weekend! I get to head up yonder to Logan and see my amazing friends and old roommates! I can't wait!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back!

Back to school.....such a dreaded time at the end of summer, but aren't there so many wonderful things about it? makes me want to smell a bouquet of sharpened pencils! (and if anyone can name that movie, I'll be really proud!)
I mean, think about it! There are so many things about the first week of school....
-waking up at 3 am
-taking your dog to the vet because she has a huge lump on her head
-being stopped on campus by the one person you never would have thought wanted to talk to you
-the water heater not working
-then the air conditioning not working
-watching TV programs like "Red Fury" and "Ancestors" and "Wordgirl!"
-learning over 100 anatomy terms (like squamous suture!)
- getting a new awesome roommate (who speaks Italian!!!)
-doing a triathlon
-blazing hot days
-finding the most amazing toffee squares ever!
-seeing lots of old and new friends
......isn't the first week of school just so great?!!! mean not everyone has a first week like this? Hmmm.....I guess I'm not as normal as I thought. I still want to smell a bouquet of sharpened pencils.