You know what really sucks? Missing someone a whole bunch, and then realizing that they don't miss you a single bit. Just sayin.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hooray! Hooray! I just finished taking my anatomy lab final- I am done! I have officially survived the lab portion of the very feared, yet loved, class that is anatomy!!
I don't really know how I feel about the test, but I do know that I now have like 10 spare hours that I don't have to be spending learning terms and working on the cadavers..yay!(although I actually really enjoyed learning from the cadavers...holding a brain was SO cool!)
And not to mention I feel all smart now, knowing words like vestubulocochlear nerve and sternocleidomastoid and epiploic appendages. :)
Seriously though, anatomy is awesome. I'm so glad I got to take it this semester.
I hope your week is going amazing! The sun is shining, we're halfway through the week and next week is THANKSGIVING! Hooray!
Peace and blessings my friends, peace and blessings.
Sunday, November 13, 2011

I had such a sure idea of what this semester was going to be like. I knew what I was doing, had a pretty good idea where I was headed, and was looking forward to several events that happened this semester. In case some of you didn't know, I can be a tad bit of a control freak. I like to know what, when and why things are happening, and when they don't go like I think they will, it can be kinda stressful for me.
But the thing is, I'm not in control.
God is.
And I just pray that someday I'll be able to just let Him have complete control, with faith all the way.
But you know what? I'm grateful that He is in charge. He knows what's best for each of us. He can make us become more than we ever could have even dreamed on our own. He shapes us through good and hard times, and brings people into our lives that we never would have expected.
So here's me, putting aside my fears and expectations. Here's to the rockin roller coaster that is life. And trusting that through God and because of God, everything will be okay.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Today is a Special Day!
Happy happy birthday to my favorite person in the world! My mom!!! She is just such a great person, and I'm so blessed to have her in my life. She is crazy and fun and is a mother to all of my friends, which I love. She is so selfless and is always willing to help anyone she can. She is considerate, patient, loving, trustworthy, happy, talented, and just all around incredible. She really is my hero and such a great example of living a Christ-like life. I love you mom! Happy Birthday!
What hard work will bring you
I'm sitting on my couch, listening to beautiful Christmas music (say what you want, I don't care, I'm gonna listen to it anyway!), just pausing for a few minutes in the midst of my homework to celebrate the fact that I got a 94% on my Anatmony test!!!!!! AHHH!! I'm seriously so excited! This semester hasn't been the easiest to say the least...and neither have been my grades. And I've been studying non-stop like all week long, but it paid off!!!! Hooray!!!
And speaking of hard work, I ran my half marathon last Saturday! And I finished in 2 hours and 19 minutes! I have to say that it was A LOT harder than I thought it was going to be, but it was worth it...even though I literally was walking like a pregnant old lady for the next 3 days. haha. But I'm serious...people got some good laughs out of my inability to walk. I'll try to post some pictures soon.
I look back a how far I've come and I'm amazed. Two years ago pretty much to the day I was running the Snow Homecoming 5K, and I was dying, and now look at me! Running half marathons, triathlons, 10Ks, and running for fun! Ah! Love it! I can't help but be a little proud of myself.
Anyway, totally random post, but life is great! Love it! :)
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