Sunday, September 26, 2010
True Inspiration

I had to wear a necktie for the whole game.
Kiersten had to be a dog and learn tricks, like play dead.
Amanda's brother had to put the bowl ofver his head and bang it with a spoon, calling out, "Billy are you there?! Let me in!" haha.
Dallin and Amanda had to share the card of wearing some sort of neck strap (we improvised since we didn't have any helmets or anything).
It was a game full of laughter and lots of fun! :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Truly Remarkable Woman
This morning, one of my favorite people on Earth passed on from this life. She was 97 years old, and lived a full life. I just want to write down some of the things that I remember most about her, so I can always remember, and maybe share some of the inspiration that I felt from her with you.
- She would make the best cheese spaghetti in the world when we all went over to her house to spend the night.
- She also made the best ice cream cones, with vanilla ice cream and a cake cone. Nothing has ever compared.
- She and I would drive to Macey's to get groceries, and always get ice cream.
- Whenever I had money, like $5, she would get all excited for me and say, "You've got enough money to pain the town red!"
- She kept a journal every single day.
- She always had her scriptures open and she read them often.
- She survived breast cancer.
- We loved doing puzzles together.
- We would go watch the last session of General Conference at her house and I would sit in front of her and she would rub my back until I was almost asleep.
- We loved watching The Price Is Right.
- She loved Everyone Loves Raymond.
- She loved hearing anyone play the piano, especially her grandkids.
- She would give us a dollar if we gave her a foot massage.
- We would garden in the backyard, followed by many games of soccer that she would watch us kids play.
- She always made homemade grape juice.
- She loved her rosebushes, and her apricot tree.
- She and I read Work and the Glory together every Sunday for several years.
- She would come to our soccer games and cheer us on.
- We would go to her house every Halloween and find the hidden candy in her house and then watch a movie.
- Every Christmas we would decorate the three-foot-tree and decorate (the the random Haunaka candlestick). And she would give us a paper sack Christmas Eve with peanuts and oranges and popcorn.
- Every Christmas Eve we would go over to her house and listen to "The Little Clockmaker"
- New Year's Eve we celebrated by banging pots and pans outside at midnight.
- She said she would never catch up to President Hinckley's age; well, she finally did. :)
- She loved her family so much! (2 sons, 14 grandkids and even more great-grandkids!)
She will be missed by all that knew her. She always was a bright person, and loved to make people laugh. But she is walking with God and with her husband now. She is pain free. She has peace.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New School Year
Amanda, Merissa, Katie, Kiersten, Me, and Camille
We have gone rock climbing in the canyon (it was so scary!!!), hiked the S, had a paint fight (which was incredibly fun!), gone boating, had a chocolate fondue night, had apartment dinnners, gone toilet papering, and been absolutely crazy in our apartment together! What can I say? I love my roommates! :)