Saturday, April 30, 2011

FINALLY finished!!!

So, I have been working on this quilt for....quite a while. It's not a hard quilt, but I have only worked on it a little here and there, but otherwise has just has been put off put off. But this weekend I finally finished it!!!! Hooray!!! I love finishing projects; it definitely gives a real sense of accomplishment. :) Ah, love it. It will make a good picnic blanket, don't you think?

It's BIG!!! haha

Monday, April 25, 2011

Up and up....or down and down

Well, the number of how much weight I have lost keeps going up and up, and my weight itself keeps going down and down. I'm now at 70 pounds lost!!!! These little milestones are so great for me, because they show me that I am still making progress. It has indeed been one long, tough, but amazing journey. And it's still not over!!!! But I just wanted to post this and say how excited I am that I have made it this far! :)
P.S. My triathlon is in like 26 days!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Keeping Perspective

It's so interesting to me how it is so easy to get caught up in the little everyday dramas and tasks and how if things seem to be going wrong, the world feels like it is going to end. Unfortunately, I allow myself to get into this thought process quite often, something I really need to work on. However, in this beautiful season of Easter, pondering on the Savior's atonement and the reason we are on this earth to begin with, none of those little things matter. Yes, they do matter in this life, but they won't in the next life, and that's what we're sent here to earth to work towards. A calming reminder is that God is in control, and everything is as it should be. He knows us, our circumstances, our goals, dreams, hopes, sorrows. He knows them all; and he knows what we need to grow to be the best we can be.

Here's a few things that I know I want in life, keeping perspective on the eternal scheme of things.
I want to be married here, in the beautiful Manti Temple, for time and all eternity.

I want one of these: my own family.

I want to help change the world (or even one person's life) for the better.

I want to be happy.

Really, when it gets down to it, that's all I want out of life. I know it might be an odd way of connecting it, but all of that is possible thanks to our Brother, who gave Himself for us. He suffered the ultimate pain, because He wanted us to be able to have all of these things. He wants us to be happy, to be loved, to have families. He wants us to come to Him, because through Him, anything can happen. I know that to be true. Happy Easter everyone! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I know it's been a long time since my last training post. It's been kind of a roller coaster ride with it all. But I am so happy to say that I just finished my first week of the highest point of my training!!! I don't have to increase my times anymore! I maintain next week and then drop of for the 4th week, then it's back up to the peak, and then I begin tapering for my race. It's still over a month away, but it's finally coming up!!!!!! I cannot wait! :)

I've been trying to shake up my training a little bit because I've been getting bored (wouldn't you, after doing the same thing over and over for 3 months?), so I changed up the days, changed my locations as best that I could and went at different times. With swimming, there's only so much I can change since the BYU pool is only open to the public in the early mornings and late nights. But I was able to go running with Mak this week....and let me tell you, she runs a tough trail! Keeping up with her speed (and she was going slower because she's sick) was hard, but then she surprised me by leading me up a mile long hill! When I saw the hill I was sure I wouldn't be able to do it, but I guess the fact that I did run up the whole thing without stopping just shows how far I have come. :) My long bike ride this week was THE LONGEST 2 1/2 hours I've ever spent in my life. The weather has been pretty stupid all week, so I had to ride inside and there is nothing more boring than sitting on one of those bikes for 155 minutes. haha. I ran my 77 minutes today in the snow. When I went out it was only softly floating down, but by the time I reached my parent's neighborhood, it was like pouring snow. I think I must have had like 4 inches of ice on top of my head when I walked in the door. haha. But it was a good run. :)

Anyway, I'm just super excited that I've finally made it to this point. I'm on the countdown for the race!!! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sometimes I feel awkward
Like everything I do and say is wrong
I don't mean for it to happen that way, I mean, my intentions are always good.
But sometimes, I wonder;
Did I miss that day in school when they taught how to act in society, be charming, flirty and sophisticated?
I must have. Perhaps that was a day I stayed home sick, unknowingly sleeping through the whole thing.
I can be awkward.
I can be weird.
I can be quirky.
I can be random.
I can be cheesy.
But I always care.
And I think that's what really matters.